Friday, January 7, 2011

A Dress a Day -06

I am just going to preface this ADAD by saying that I didn't know if I would be able to or like doing a design everyday.  It's not that I don't like designing (I actually really enjoy it)  it's just that I thought it might feel forced knowing I HAVE to do one each day.  But, I love it!  Each day that I have one done it is a small accomplishment and I am trying new things that I wouldn't otherwise.  I usually design when I have an idea and inspiration so something very specific comes out.  With these I am thinking while designing.  having said that.....
This dress is really sweet.  It has a very youthful and cheery feel.  The scalloped over skirt with the two bows is a very simple but a very pretty design element.  I like that the over skirt is up a bit higher than they normally are.  I am thinking there will be a foot to a 16inch difference between the scallops and bottom the skirt.  The top is a little busy so I will have to use very fine and light laces and trims so it doesn't get bogged down.  The business of the top and the simpleness of the bottom even each other out I think.  I didn't design this dress with a color in mind but I might go with a yellowy-creamy color.


  1. So pretty!
    I would so wear this dress in a dark-red/white colorway during the summer~ *w*

  2. Ich steh auch so auf dunkle sachen, wie schwarz-rot, doch hier würde ich sagen lila-weiß,
    pink- weiß oder blau-weiß wie Alice im Wunderland ^-^

  3. Lovely design! A Dress a Day is such a cool idea!~


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