31. What is your motto?
Ummmm, I don't have one. Sorry.
32. What are your dreams of the future?
I would love to have all of my debt paid off, be living in a big city (Tokyo is my number one), be established in my accessories and clothing business, have no children, have several cats, love my husband more than anything like I do now, have awesome self esteem, and be happy.
33. "This person is so perfect for lolita!" - Do you ever think that about certain celebrities?
34. Are there any products/items of which you have with a fond memory?
I have gotton a few dresses as dresses from my husband so I would say those.
35. What was your first item?
A black dress that came from Momo's Fairytale land on Ebay.
36. Do you have a signature pose for photos?
No really. I just try to look nice, show off my outfit, and smile. I like to smile.
37. What is your heart's bible? [book/magazine/CD/etc...]
I love Nora Robets books. There is so much love on them they make me feel wonderful.
38. What is the best height (cm) for heels?
Oooo. My balance is not so great so I shoot for 2 and under.
39. Do you wear tiaras?
40. Do you think you want to try prince style? What kind of prince? Gothic/dark prince? Or "prince on a white horse" style?
I have never really gravitated toward the Dandy style. It's just not for me.
In Other Words
14 hours ago
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